Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My family fingerprints

These 4 are just examples of the good work that Sec 1E4 has to offer. Pls click on the thumbnail if you want to see this in a larger frame. I have also included a slideshow of the other offerings :) Enjoy. Posted by Picasa

My Family Slideshow 1E4

PS: Not all are shown here. I have chosen the few that are clear enough for publication and quite a number of you did not hand in your family fingerprints!

NOTICE for Sec 1A1 and 1E4 for CNY Week

There will be no homework set for this week as its CNY week. Pls come back on Sunday 1st Feb for homework for Matilda. Have a good week :) Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 19, 2009

Marking Scheme for Character Cutout assignment

This is what your final work should look like - the colours and description will be your own

Rubrics (marking scheme) for the work

1. Character cutout matches the written description which describes physical attributes, behaviour, thoughts and feelings (10 marks)

2. Paragraph is written using correct spelling, punctuation, capitalisation and complete sentences (10 marks)

3. Character cutout and description are neatly presented (5 marks)

4. Colour and decorations are appropriate to the character (5 marks)

Total marks for this exercise = 30 marks

Sec 1E4 - date due for work Wednesday 21 Jan, at the end of 3 periods.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

2nd Assignment 20 Jan & 21 Jan: Characterisation

This is what the 2nd assignment should look like. In this entry, I have shown you only the questions. Do not write down the answers yet as we have not discussed them in class. For 20 Jan and 21 Jan, you have to know chapters 1 to 5 very well indeed.
Sec 1A1 for class on 20 January:
1. Bring coloured pencils, a piece of A4 coloured paper, scissors and gum.
2. You can colour the page of your sketch book if you want at home.
3. You can cut out the character chain (refer to the entry - How to make a character chain) if you want at home and bring it to class.
Sec 1E4 for class on 21 January:
1. Complete pasting the cutout chain on the coloured page.
2. Think about your favourite character in Matilda that appears in Chapters 1 to 5.
3. Think about the answers to the Compare and Contrast questions about your family and Matilda's family for class.Posted by Picasa

Assignment 2 for Week 3: 20 Jan & 21 Jan

A blank page in your sketch book...

Use coloured pencils or water-colour to paint your page so that it is as colourful as possible. Make sure the colour reminds you of your character from Matilda. My page is yellow and orange as my character Matilda is fun and cheerful. Paint the page as homework.

This is what your page would look like once it is completed. You can follow the steps in the entries that follow this one. If you are Sec 1E4 you can paste you character chain in this way. Just think about the answers to the questions. DO NOT WRITE DOWN THE ANSWERS YET.

Think about the answers to these questions. Do not write them in your book. We will be doing this exercise in class.
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How to make a character chain for class

Fold the rectangles equally...

Fold the paper in a fan shape or accordion shape of equal size. You should have 8 sides if you want a 4-figure- cutout chain

Top view...

Draw your figure carefully so it would be easier to have clean sides...

The Final Step for the Character Chain

Cut out the shape carefully..

You should get a -4- cutout- chain of your favourite character

You can decorate the 1st figure in any way you want but it must be as close to the book as possible...

This is the final look of the assignment. Think about the questions and complete the rest of the assignment in class on 22 Jan for Sec 1E4...
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My family from Sec 1A1


Siti Nur Hafizah

Lynette Low

Shafiq Hidayat
Click on thumbnail to view the details.
I want to congratulate Sec 1A1 for their hard work at creating a small picture/map of their family. I was very impressed indeed with the details and we had only 1.5 periods in which to complete this exercise. EXCELLENT!!
These 4 pictures are among the best. I have many that were very good from the class. We will have to put up all of your drawings when we find the space in your classroom. Good Work everyone. Posted by Picasa

Friday, January 9, 2009

1st Assignment

I hope you have read the whole of the text. For classwork, you would need the following items:

1. 1 mini (small) sketchbook. You can get this from the school bookstore or get your own.
2. Coloured pencils/markers etc
3. Small favourite items that you connect with your family. For example if you had just gone to the movies, you might like to bring the movie ticket. If your mother has just eaten a sweet, you might like to bring the wrapper. Bring something small that can be easily pasted on the sketchbook.
4. Gum/glue
5. Scissors
6. ONE piece of coloured paper

NB: You can get your mini sketch book from the school bookstore at $1.00 instead of $1.20. You need to tell the bookstore lady that you are a sec one Literature student.
