1. Think of a symbol that you can associate with your character.
A symbol is an object that represents something else. In my work, I had chosen a bull to represent Miss Trunchbull. She is strong as a bull and her physical description also reminds me of a bull. You can use another object to represent her too. (Think about it for Wednesday class)

For class work. you would have to work in groups and pick out the best examples or quotations. You need to bring a new mindmap to school with your character-symbol in the middle of the map. There will be five supporting points (in yellow). Make sure you bring THIS prep work if you want to get the homewrok star. If you do very poor work, you won't be getting the homework star.

This is what your new map may look like after you work with the others in your class. I would be grouping the same characters together so all of you can brainstorm your ideas. Put the best ideas in the mindmap.

Look at the words in GREEN. These are events in the novel that you need to bring out in the mindmap. I will explain this next week before the group work.
OK 1E4. Good Luck with homework. Pease ask me about it in school if you have any questions.
For class, please bring felt pens (coloured pens), 1 piece of coloured paper A4, gum and scissors.
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