Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sec 1A1 : The FINAL look: Suitcase and 3D setting 03

3D setting and Suitcase Pic 1
Pic 2. Notice that the free-standing snake can be moved about.

Pic 3: Now the free-standing snake is in another position.

Close-Up of the suitcase

Your suitcase and 3D setting should show the character that your group has chosen from your novel.

My character is Miss Trunchbull and so the suitcase is rather dull - brown.

I am sending her to Africa for a Safari and so I have some animal pictures on the suitcase.

My 3D setting shows ONE activity that she will be doing (one out of 4). I will be using this setting for my interactive video so I have to have ONE free-standing animal that I will make her wrestle with :) for example. The snake is the free-standing animal. This means it is NOT stuck to anything and you can move it about.

You can choose any activity at all for the video. The video should last max 1 minute. remember to write a short script for it and put it in your suitcase.

On Tuesday you should already have the following:

1. Your fav character and place of holiday

2. The activities and Internet research for the holiday activities

3. A brochure (so you can create your own from this example)

4. Your box!

5. The materials you would need for your activity - Create the suitcase, the 3D setting and the brochure + activities. (Decide who is doing what on Tuesday so you can complete the whole activity in 2 weeks maximum.)

NB: Bring newspaper so you can cover your desks, construction paper, cardboard (any kind), scissors and glue or double-sided tape.

I did not create the things inside as I am sure you can do these things yourself in your group.

PS: 1E4, if you are reading my blog, you can do the same things too. Ask Miss Nisha for permission.

How to create a Suitcase 03

1. Get your box onto some wrapping paper.
2. Make sure your things are on newspaper so you can clean up easily.
3. Make sure your materials are also in boxes/plastic bags so you do not lose them when you are creating your suitacse.

4. My wrapping paper is brown because my character is not very colourful. She is very serious and does not have a sense of humour.

5. My suitcase is now wrapped up. I have cut out some pictures of animals to put on the suitacse
This is important as you need to tell me where your character has gone on holiday.

6. I write the name of my character clearly and paste it on my suitacse. This is so everyone knows who it is that is going on holiday.

7. I write out the name of the country and what she is going to do there. My character is going on safari. I say this as she is very active in the novel and always puts people in danger. Going on safari is rather exciting. I plan for her to have a very exciting adventure in safari too.

8. My final suitcae for Miss Trunchbull.

How to create a 3D setting 03

The 5 ways you can present your 3D Setting
Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger image.

Notice that my 3D setting is already pasted on the carboard. The stationary ones are 1. Zebra 2. Crocodile 3. Grass. I cannot move them as I had stuck them onto my cardboard with double-sided tape.

HOWEVER, I have ONE movable reptile - the snake. This is free-standing. This means I can move the snake into any position I want. This is important as in my video (which I will upload at a later date) Miss Trunchbull is going to have to fight the snake :) So it is important for me to make my snake move - look at Picture 2, 3, 4 and 5. The snake is in different positions.

How to create my 3D setting

01. Fold a piece of cardboard into 2. Draw 3 different lengths of rectangles at the same distance. The 3 different lengths are going to ensure that your cardboard cutout figures would be at 3 different distances. This would create a more interesting picture.

02. Fold out my different cutouts at right-angles.

03. Draw out a few pictures of long green grass and attach them to pieces of cardboard

04. Paste the cutouts on the right-angled cutouts. Paste apicture on the cardboard itself (the one that is standing) so you have apicture in your background.

How to make the 3D setting stand firmly for the video...

01. Get a box that you are not using for your suitcase.
02. Paste a piece of coloured paper on it. I have chosen yellow (to reprsent the sun) as Miss Trunchbull is in Africa and she is on safari. Paste your 3D setting on it.
03. Your 3D setting would look like Figure 3. It can now stand by itself.
04. This is optional. I thought you might like to see my cat sniffing at it. If it interests a cat, it should interest anyone :)
05. NOW its time to decide on your free-standing figure for the interactive video :)

Things to do for lesson on 1st April 2009

Hi IE4!

Firstly, please have your parents sign the consent form given out during literature lesson last week and hand it up during the lesson this Wednesday 1st April 2009.

Dearies, if you are confused in any way by my explanation of your project last lesson, please speak up in class. I will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.

For the next lesson, I want every student to write down at least one question on a piece of paper. It can be either regarding your group work or on your individual assignment. I expect to see your piece of paper with a question written on it in class.

Remember that you need to do your project in class as a group so do bring necessary and relevant materials such as construction paper, scissors, glue, scotch tape, clip art, travel brochure, drawing block, coloured markers, coloured pencils, research on your travel destination and whatever other items you require to do your suitcase and 3-D setting.

Lastly, I have set up another blog for your class to refer for your Matilda project. The website address is Please refer to this blog from now on. I will update the website every Sunday after 1 pm as usual. All important information and homework will be posted on this new blog from now on.

Ok see you on Wednesday.

Miss Nisha

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Character Suitcase 02: Suitable boxes

First Choice

This is the best type of box. It is all in ONE piece. It has a flap on top so you can open the box easily.The flap is attached to the box so your contents won't spill out accidentally. It is shallow so it is easy to retrieve your things. It has compartments but you can make these yourselves. HURRAH for Nokia!! You can get other type of boxes that have the same top opening. A good size will be the size of your school exercise book or diary. This Nokia box in picture 1 is a little bigger. Good Luck.

These 2 boxes are 2nd choice

The top one (in blue) is sturdy but you may have to damage it as you have to paste things outside of the box (look at Character Suitcase 01 post). The other thing that may not be so suitable is the box comes in 2 pieces - top cover and bottom compartment. It is easily opened and accidents may happen, unless you find an innovative way to stop this from happening. Anyway it is too pretty to deface :) Do NOT buy boxes just for the project. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!

The shoe box is a better choice as you can draw on it or paste things on it and cover the box up with wrapping paper of your choice. However, the same accidents can happen as the box comes in 2 parts. You need to choose a small shoebox or you can cut this one up into 2. Innovate!

Think again

This box is too small although it has the same features as the Nokia box. Do not choose such small boxes as you have to put your own brochures etc inside it.

Not suitable

This box is not so good as it opens from the side and it is too long. You have to make changes to this box so it opens from the top if you want to use it. If you can do that, then it is good for your group :)

So make a good choice. Bring your boxes to school so your group can have a variety of choices. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 20, 2009

Term 2 Literature Project: Send your character for a holiday!


You have 5 weeks to complete your (1) Group project (2)Personal Project

Firstly, get a small empty box that you can use for a suitcase. The box should preferably be small and portable. You can even make it yourself out of cardboard.

SEND your favourite character from Matilda on a holiday.


1. Which character should we choose?

Ans: The group must decide on ONE character that everyone or the majority likes.

2. Where do we send this character?

Ans: Anywhere you like, the more exotic the better.

For eg, how about Alaska, Greenland, The Amazon, Spain or the Moon even.

3. What must the character do there?

Ans: You MUST decide on several activities for your character. For eg, Miss Trunchbull and Miss Honey will do very different things in Spain. Miss Trunchbull might go bull-fighting but Miss Honey might prefer to learn how to do a Latin Dance using castanets. All the activities that your character will do must conform to the type of person he or she is.

4. How do we decide on the activities or schedule?

Ans: Go to the Internet and do a net search on the activities that the country has to offer. You need to collect at least ONE travel brochure or pamplet from any travel agency for any country or destination. You might like to ask your parents to help you here or ask your parents for any old ones that they might have. Use this brochure as an example for YOUR OWN.

5. Anything else?

Ans: NO. Just bring one empty box per group - a mobile phone box, shoe box etc and ONE pamphlet to school for Literature class. Please remember to bring your sketch book as well.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Attention 1E4!

Hi 1E4!! Please remember to complete your homework worksheet which I gave you in class last week. It is the personal response question on Who do you think is worse Miss Trunchbull or Mr. Wormwood?

Remember to apply the PEEL format when writing your paragraphs. I will be checking your work in class this week. Thanks. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Ms. Nisha

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sec 1A1 and 1E4 from Ms Jumiah_ Edited Sun 8 March

There is NO HOMEWORK to be done as next week is the last week of the term. I am returning all work. Make sure you bring all your handouts, glue and stapler so you can stick your handouts in your sketch book.

New Information for 1E4

I will be using the group Mindmap for characterisation for CA3 so next term you only have to concentrate on your SA1 work.

Term 1 CA = CA1 is the SketchBook work; CA2 is the Multiple Choice Test

Term 2 CA = CA3 is is the Group Character MindMap

Information for Sec 1A1

Term 1 CA + CA1 = Sketch Book; CA2 = Multiple Choice Test

Term 2 CA = CA3 is the Character Mind Map for Group

SA 1 Group for Term 2 for Sec 1A1 and 1E4

Your SA1 group will be the group that you are in already so it is easier for you to work together as you already know each other well.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Work for Sec 1E4 on 4/3/09

Hi 1E4! As you have been reminded by Ms. Jumiah in class last week and on the blog on friday, you must complete your mindmaps on themes & symbols by lesson this wednesday (4/2/09). I will be checking your work and I expect every group to bring the completed mindmaps to class.

Since you have to complete your mindmaps, there will no homework for this week. :) However, I would like you guys to think about, 'Who is your favourite character in Matilda and why he/she is your favourite character?' Do this individually. I will ask you guys in class so you should have an answer for me.

Ok, that's all. See you in class and good luck for the multiple choice test!

Ms. Nisha