Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to create a 3D setting 03

The 5 ways you can present your 3D Setting
Please click on the thumbnail for a bigger image.

Notice that my 3D setting is already pasted on the carboard. The stationary ones are 1. Zebra 2. Crocodile 3. Grass. I cannot move them as I had stuck them onto my cardboard with double-sided tape.

HOWEVER, I have ONE movable reptile - the snake. This is free-standing. This means I can move the snake into any position I want. This is important as in my video (which I will upload at a later date) Miss Trunchbull is going to have to fight the snake :) So it is important for me to make my snake move - look at Picture 2, 3, 4 and 5. The snake is in different positions.

How to create my 3D setting

01. Fold a piece of cardboard into 2. Draw 3 different lengths of rectangles at the same distance. The 3 different lengths are going to ensure that your cardboard cutout figures would be at 3 different distances. This would create a more interesting picture.

02. Fold out my different cutouts at right-angles.

03. Draw out a few pictures of long green grass and attach them to pieces of cardboard

04. Paste the cutouts on the right-angled cutouts. Paste apicture on the cardboard itself (the one that is standing) so you have apicture in your background.

How to make the 3D setting stand firmly for the video...

01. Get a box that you are not using for your suitcase.
02. Paste a piece of coloured paper on it. I have chosen yellow (to reprsent the sun) as Miss Trunchbull is in Africa and she is on safari. Paste your 3D setting on it.
03. Your 3D setting would look like Figure 3. It can now stand by itself.
04. This is optional. I thought you might like to see my cat sniffing at it. If it interests a cat, it should interest anyone :)
05. NOW its time to decide on your free-standing figure for the interactive video :)

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