Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Homework for 1E4 only
Thursday, July 16, 2009
For Jane of 1E4 -Literature Lesson 17 July 2009
Objective: To analyse the effectiveness of the similes in the following poem.
Information: In this poem, Jessica Siegal uses similes to show the results of ageing.
Old Man
Old man, once sturdy as a mountain
Now fragile as a twig.
It is many years and many storms till a mountain is worn
But a twig can suddenly go snap
Old man, whose white beard is tangled like a net
Meshed and tangled is he
Tangled like old yarn
But yarn can be snagged.
Old man, whose face is gnarled like an old tree
Gnarled and cracked his face is
Like a rotted tree stump
But a rotted tree stump can crumble to dust.
Old man, how many snaps can you withstand?
How much more snapping?
How long will this go on?
Before you too crumble into dust?
Answer all the questions and send them by email to animesanzo@yahoo.com
1. What simile tells us how sturdy the old man once was?
2. ‘Now fragile as a twig’. What is the poet suggesting about the old man when she compares him to a twig?
3. How ‘tangled’ is the old man’s white beard?
4.‘Tangled like an old yarn’. Why does the poet compare the man to ‘old yarn’?
5.Why is the old man’s face similar to an old tree?
6.What simile did you most like in the poem? Why?
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Home-Based Lesson for 1E and 1N
HBL_Literature_Living Through Literature_Complete these exercises in your text book
For students with the Lit book : Living Through Literature 1
Lesson #1 (1.5hrs)
Lesson objective: To introduce students to the reading of unseen prose.
Resources: Textbook “Living through Literature 1”
Instructions to students:
1) Read pages 7 and 8: Poem "Mummy, Oh Mummy"
2) Complete all the questions on pages 9 - Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Note Look at Question 3. The word ‘contradictory’ means ‘opposite of’. The mother asks her child to do completely opposite actions that makes the child less friendly to the environment. You have to pick 3 of these instructions and write them in the blanks.
3) Complete question 6 on page 10. It is a simple graphic organiser. You have to think only about Singapore and your own actions. Give me one reason why for each of the 4 actions.
‘Quote’ means - pick out the example in the poem. This is the same as you had done for Matilda. So I know you can do this well.
Answer this question in about 300 words. Write in paragraphs. Make sure you give examples (quotes, egs of action or speech) from the textbook to support your answer.
Which character do you like most in Matilda and why?
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sec 1E4 Advisory I

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Matilda in Sentosa, Singapore
Tiffany, Azrul, Zacvin and Nur Azlin
The video is rather blurry the movements jerky. I wonder why your mother was involved in reading the script. I assumed it was a member of your family Zacvin since it is definitely not your voice. I liked the 3D setting very much although that would be a separate mark. Since you have yet to hand in the actual 3D setting, I am marking it from the one picture I had taken when you were working at it in class. I don't think I was able to capture your whole 3D setting. Since you had repeatedly forgotten to bringt it (for 2 past weeks) I am not able to wait anymore.
Marks: 13/25
Creativity: 3
Puppet and props: 2
Audio and Voice: 3
Colour: 3
Use of Media: 2
Miss Trunchbull Hiking in Nepal
Haney, Redza, Chee Wai and Hazel
The video is rather blurry and the puppet movements were jerky. I liked your script though and the way you had accurately captured Miss Trunchbull. But I sometimes find it difficult to hear the dialogue.
Marks: 13/25
Creativity: 3
Puppet and props: 2
Audio and Voice: 3
Colour: 3
Use of Media: 2
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Mrs Wormwood in Las Vegas, USA
Jolene's Group
Jolene, Arianty, Zi Hao, Hamizan
It is a little difficult to hear what is happening in the video. Added to this, I see the back of Mrs Wormwood all the time. It might be better to allow me to see the front some of the time. Also the action is very small and it is difficult to make out her playing roulette. However, I am glad you completed this video on time and you had used some bright colours that makes the video more attractive.
Marks: 16/25
Creativity: 3
Puppet and props: 3
Audio and Voice: 3
Colour: 4
Use of Media: 3
Matilda at the Tower Of London
Joy's Group
Joy, HaoMin, Muhaimin, Ira
This video is very simple and it did tell me something about Matilda. You should possibly tell me that she wanted to help Romeo see the Tower as he was not able to as he has to guard the tower all the time. In this way, you would have connected the video more to the text book. It would show that Matilda is kind and wants to help Romeo, which is very much like her character. The voice is rather soft and sometimes the puppetry is a little clumsy as the space is too small for the action. Good work nevertheless. Congrats for completeing this difficult assignment.
Marks: 15/25
Creativity: 3
Puppet and Props: 3
Audio and Voice: 3
Colour: 3
Use of Media: 3
Bruce at Eiffel Tower, France
Hidayana's Group
Hidayana, Alvin, Hui Ning, Kai Xin
This background is rather attractive although the puppets are just drawn. There is a story and it is close to the novel as Bruce loves to eat and he went to France to eat cake - 2 of them all at once. This shows you know your character. However, the puppetry is rather confusing and you did not rehearse your movements enough.
Craetivity: 3
Puppet and props: 3
Audio and Voice : 2
Colour: 3
Media: 3
Matilda in Hawaii
Hadlyzan's group
Hadlyzan, Ke Xin, Sabrina, Min Da
The props are detailed and I can see you have done alot with it. However, your story was rather haphazard and you did not think of how to connect Matilda's superpowers clearly between the text and the video. I liked the fact that the waiter fainted when he saw Matilda's powers and she took him to the clinic though. It shows that she is kind, which is a connection with the novel.
Marks: 17/25
Creativity: 4
Puppet and Props: 3
Audio and Voice: 3
Colour: 4
Use of Media: 3
Matilda in SeaWorld, Australia
Yanhong's group
Yan Hong, Wisely, Luqman, Lynette
The colours are good as the blue connects with SeaWorld. I like the voice of the naughty boy as it was loud. The rest of the voices were thin and sometimes uncertain. Matilda was very kind to save the dolphin from the naughty boy and she would punish the boy, juts like she punishes the bad people in the text. I would like the action to be amoother though.
Marks: 18/25
Creativity: 3
Puppet and Props: 3
Audio and Voice: 4
Colour: 4
Use of Media: 4
Miss Trunchbull Fishing in Alaska
Suryani's Group
Suryani, Syaafiq Phillips, Hafizah, Xavier, Amirul
This is a very interesting piece as the 3D is well-crafted. There are no unnecessary spaces and I know what will happen by just looking at the scene. I am also pleased with the vibrant and contrasting colours. There is no boring moment in sight. The octopus hiding under the rock is also well-thought out. Congrats to Amirul for his booming voice as Miss Trunchbull :)
Marks: 23/25
Creativity: 5
Puppets and Prop: 4
Audio and Voice: 5
Colour: 5
Use of Media: 4
Lavendar's Adventure with a talking Lion in Morocco
Alicia's Group
Aliccia, Bernard, Grace, Shafiq Hidayat
I must say that I really liked the story and the 3D setting. I think the group or at least the scriptwriter had done a good job. Lavendar is a kind-hearted girl and she is an animal lover. These 2 characteristics came across very well, especially when the lion and Lavendar watched the sunset together. The kebab seller was not bad too :)
Marks: 22/25
Creativity: 5
Puppet and Props: 4
Audio and Voice: 4
Colour: 5
Use of media: 4
Friday, April 17, 2009
List of Missing objects for Suitcase- To be given on Tue 21/4
1. Suryani - the whole suitcase
2. Jolene - all completed - GOOD WORK
3.Haney - postcard, script, holiday setting
4. Hidayana - postcard, 2 journal entries
5. Tiffany - brochure, postcard, journal entries, 3D setting and script
6. Yanhong - postcard, 2 journal entries
7. Ira - souvenirs, postcard, 2 journal entries
8. Alicia - postcard, 2 journal entries, souvenirs(elephant)
9. Hadlyzan - brochure, postcard, 2 journal entries
Please read carefully
The postcard must be the size of an actual postcard and you MUST write at the back of it.
The 2 journal entries must be like REAL journal entries that you do for Mr Stephen Lim. You need at least 3 paragraphs for each journal entry and BOTH entries must be about something that your character had done on holiday.
I expect ALL work to be handed in on Tue 21/4.
I also expect your sketch book with your individual work to be completed.
Next week 21/4 is the LAST week to hand in ALL work.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Notice of End of video-taping session

I will try to put up all the videos I had helped tape here by next week . I will also grade according to how attractive your colours are. It is a video so colours and puppet work would be important.
Congratulations to the following pupils for having completed their video taping
1.Joy 2.Hidayanah
Missing in action
8.Redza (doing by themselves) - Update - Redza will complete video by Monday and give the file to me.
9.Tiffany – MIA-Singapore Update - Still missing in action on 17/4
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Tuesday lesson for 1A1
Group Work
1. Completed Movie/Video of the character's adventures. You need to upload video in my computer asap.
2. Completed 2 journals
3. Brochure and activities
4. Postcard
5. Suitcase + 5 objects min (intangible and tangible)
The 5 in the list should not be difficult as each of you are in-charge of ONE aspect.
Your EL exam is on 28. If you have not finished group work, you would have to stay back after your exams.
Individual Project in Sketch Book (HW mark will apply)
1. Suitcase
2. Brochure and activities
3. Setting
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Ask Your Questions Here
Just click on the comments function and ask me
If you have any questions to ask me before Monday, please write it in this post.
I wanted to put you the rubrics here but there is alot of information already and I do not want you to get confused. So I will give you a hardcopy of the rubrics on Tuesday. Staple the rubrics to your sketchbook.
On TUESDAY 6 pls bring
1. Your sketch book with your individual work already done - brochure, activities , research and setting for your adventure.
You can just draw out the setting, do your brochure and activities and write in your sketchbook.
2. Your 3D setting and puppets must be ready and brought to school. You get homework marks for this. You will show me your adventure and when everything is ready, you can tape your video. You can use your handphone to do this or your camera if it has a video function. (ASK YOUR PARENTS)
You need to remind your class to look at the blog on Monday for class.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The YouTube Link
Yup. Go to the YouTube link and watch the video on YouTube.
Dear Sec 1A1
After you have created your video for your school project, you can upload the video on YouTube if you want. You have to register first. Pleae do not use your real name but you may like to choose a name from your novel instead.
This is the 3rd try. I had used my IXUS camera to do this. There were only 2 people involved - one to hold the camera still and me to do all the movements, the voice and the script. I hope you enjoy my little video. My video is 2.06 minutes
Your story doesn't have to be very complicated as long as the character behaves in the same way as he/she would behave in the novel. I think Miss Trunchbull would not lose the fight with the snake and she would not listen to anyone. Finally I am sure Miss Trunchbull would try to bring the snake home. :)
Some reminders.
1. Make your story simple - length 1 to 3 minutes.
2. make sure the audience can see all the movements and hear the story.
3. ENJOY yourself.
4. BRING ALL puppets and the finished 3D setting and we can videotape it in school. You can use your handphone or your camera. DO not bring very expensive equipment.
5. bring your sketchbook with your individual homework - suitcase and 2 events should be finished.
The Final Preparations for the video + cardbaord puppets
Assemble your props and puppets together to see if you have everything before you begin the video taping. Prepare a short script. My script was very short but with the movement of the puppets, my video took 2.06 minutes. I had to do my video 3 times as I forgot my script and my puppets did not move easily until I had the sticks pasted on the underside of the puppets.
The lion is actually a toy cat. But do not let this trouble you. Use your imagination as much as possible and I will use mine. :)
Friday, April 3, 2009
How to create a finger puppet
Use this video to help you in creating your puppets. When you put your puppets in action, it does not matter if your hands show in the video as long as you do not cover your setting with your hands or your puppets. You can use paper to create the puppets unless you have felt in your house. I would prefer it if you DO NOT buy your materials but use recycled one or reuse old puppets or materials.
Good Luck.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sec 1A1 : The FINAL look: Suitcase and 3D setting 03
Your suitcase and 3D setting should show the character that your group has chosen from your novel.
My character is Miss Trunchbull and so the suitcase is rather dull - brown.
I am sending her to Africa for a Safari and so I have some animal pictures on the suitcase.
My 3D setting shows ONE activity that she will be doing (one out of 4). I will be using this setting for my interactive video so I have to have ONE free-standing animal that I will make her wrestle with :) for example. The snake is the free-standing animal. This means it is NOT stuck to anything and you can move it about.
You can choose any activity at all for the video. The video should last max 1 minute. remember to write a short script for it and put it in your suitcase.
On Tuesday you should already have the following:
1. Your fav character and place of holiday
2. The activities and Internet research for the holiday activities
3. A brochure (so you can create your own from this example)
4. Your box!
5. The materials you would need for your activity - Create the suitcase, the 3D setting and the brochure + activities. (Decide who is doing what on Tuesday so you can complete the whole activity in 2 weeks maximum.)
NB: Bring newspaper so you can cover your desks, construction paper, cardboard (any kind), scissors and glue or double-sided tape.
I did not create the things inside as I am sure you can do these things yourself in your group.
PS: 1E4, if you are reading my blog, you can do the same things too. Ask Miss Nisha for permission.
How to create a Suitcase 03
3. Make sure your materials are also in boxes/plastic bags so you do not lose them when you are creating your suitacse.
This is important as you need to tell me where your character has gone on holiday.
How to create a 3D setting 03
Notice that my 3D setting is already pasted on the carboard. The stationary ones are 1. Zebra 2. Crocodile 3. Grass. I cannot move them as I had stuck them onto my cardboard with double-sided tape.
HOWEVER, I have ONE movable reptile - the snake. This is free-standing. This means I can move the snake into any position I want. This is important as in my video (which I will upload at a later date) Miss Trunchbull is going to have to fight the snake :) So it is important for me to make my snake move - look at Picture 2, 3, 4 and 5. The snake is in different positions.

01. Fold a piece of cardboard into 2. Draw 3 different lengths of rectangles at the same distance. The 3 different lengths are going to ensure that your cardboard cutout figures would be at 3 different distances. This would create a more interesting picture.
02. Fold out my different cutouts at right-angles.
03. Draw out a few pictures of long green grass and attach them to pieces of cardboard
04. Paste the cutouts on the right-angled cutouts. Paste apicture on the cardboard itself (the one that is standing) so you have apicture in your background.
01. Get a box that you are not using for your suitcase.
Things to do for lesson on 1st April 2009
Firstly, please have your parents sign the consent form given out during literature lesson last week and hand it up during the lesson this Wednesday 1st April 2009.
Dearies, if you are confused in any way by my explanation of your project last lesson, please speak up in class. I will be more than happy to answer any of your questions.
For the next lesson, I want every student to write down at least one question on a piece of paper. It can be either regarding your group work or on your individual assignment. I expect to see your piece of paper with a question written on it in class.
Remember that you need to do your project in class as a group so do bring necessary and relevant materials such as construction paper, scissors, glue, scotch tape, clip art, travel brochure, drawing block, coloured markers, coloured pencils, research on your travel destination and whatever other items you require to do your suitcase and 3-D setting.
Lastly, I have set up another blog for your class to refer for your Matilda project. The website address is www.thetrunchbull.blogspot.com. Please refer to this blog from now on. I will update the website every Sunday after 1 pm as usual. All important information and homework will be posted on this new blog from now on.
Ok see you on Wednesday.
Miss Nisha
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Character Suitcase 02: Suitable boxes
First Choice
This is the best type of box. It is all in ONE piece. It has a flap on top so you can open the box easily.The flap is attached to the box so your contents won't spill out accidentally. It is shallow so it is easy to retrieve your things. It has compartments but you can make these yourselves. HURRAH for Nokia!! You can get other type of boxes that have the same top opening. A good size will be the size of your school exercise book or diary. This Nokia box in picture 1 is a little bigger. Good Luck.
These 2 boxes are 2nd choice
The top one (in blue) is sturdy but you may have to damage it as you have to paste things outside of the box (look at Character Suitcase 01 post). The other thing that may not be so suitable is the box comes in 2 pieces - top cover and bottom compartment. It is easily opened and accidents may happen, unless you find an innovative way to stop this from happening. Anyway it is too pretty to deface :) Do NOT buy boxes just for the project. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
The shoe box is a better choice as you can draw on it or paste things on it and cover the box up with wrapping paper of your choice. However, the same accidents can happen as the box comes in 2 parts. You need to choose a small shoebox or you can cut this one up into 2. Innovate!
Think again
This box is too small although it has the same features as the Nokia box. Do not choose such small boxes as you have to put your own brochures etc inside it.
Not suitable
This box is not so good as it opens from the side and it is too long. You have to make changes to this box so it opens from the top if you want to use it. If you can do that, then it is good for your group :)
So make a good choice. Bring your boxes to school so your group can have a variety of choices.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Term 2 Literature Project: Send your character for a holiday!
You have 5 weeks to complete your (1) Group project (2)Personal Project
Firstly, get a small empty box that you can use for a suitcase. The box should preferably be small and portable. You can even make it yourself out of cardboard.
SEND your favourite character from Matilda on a holiday.
1. Which character should we choose?
Ans: The group must decide on ONE character that everyone or the majority likes.
2. Where do we send this character?
Ans: Anywhere you like, the more exotic the better.
For eg, how about Alaska, Greenland, The Amazon, Spain or the Moon even.
3. What must the character do there?
Ans: You MUST decide on several activities for your character. For eg, Miss Trunchbull and Miss Honey will do very different things in Spain. Miss Trunchbull might go bull-fighting but Miss Honey might prefer to learn how to do a Latin Dance using castanets. All the activities that your character will do must conform to the type of person he or she is.
4. How do we decide on the activities or schedule?
Ans: Go to the Internet and do a net search on the activities that the country has to offer. You need to collect at least ONE travel brochure or pamplet from any travel agency for any country or destination. You might like to ask your parents to help you here or ask your parents for any old ones that they might have. Use this brochure as an example for YOUR OWN.
5. Anything else?
Ans: NO. Just bring one empty box per group - a mobile phone box, shoe box etc and ONE pamphlet to school for Literature class. Please remember to bring your sketch book as well.